In previous posts I’ve discussed the key principles to winning a street fight, the first of which is that you need to hit first.

However, there are legal aspects to this as well… you can’t just haul off on someone because they are in your face.

Typically, a street fight or bar fight situation starts with the two combatants within striking range… about 18 to 24 inches apart.  This is the macho, squaring up position, where one or both people are trying to intimidate the other.

At some point though, one of them decides it’s time to take action.

It is critical that you recognize the signs that the other person is about to wind up and hit you.

In no particular order, these signs are…

  1. They shift weight.
  2. They look away
  3. Their speech changes…it becomes monosyllabic
  4. The appearance on their face changes

If you are in a confrontation, hopefully you already have your hands up in a non-threatening position, but a position that allows you to strike if necessary.

It’s critical that you appear to be non-aggressive… there are video cameras everywhere these days.  However, you can have your hands positioned properly and still be viewed as non-threatening.

Once you recognize that your assailant is about to hit you, you need to get that first strike in… by recognizing one of the signs mentioned above, you’ll at least be able to present a defense in a courtroom if needed.

I talk through these signs in the video below.