We live in troubling times.  There is no denying that.  As a result, everyone should learn at least some self protection skills.

For many people who may live in areas where they are not allowed to open carry or conceal carry a gun, a tool such as pepper spray should be part of your everyday carry kit.

With that said, it is critical that you learn when it is appropriate or not to deploy such a tool.

Over the weekend, we learned when it is inappropriate, and the consequences proved to be deadly.

In Denver, there were political demonstrations, and as is often the case, two sides collided.  Unfortunately, this particular clash resulted in death.

A supporter of the president got into an altercation with someone who was apparently acting as security for a local news crew.

There is full video of the altercation, which I have deliberately chosen now to watch, and I choose not to share here.  We don’t need to see another example of violence.

I did see some still photos.  One shows the Trump supporter slapping the security person (he apparently was not licensed to act as security in the city of Denver… big legal ramifications here I suspect).

In another still, I see the Trump supporter deploying pepper spray in the direction of the security man, who HAS A GUN DRAWN AND READY TO FIRE.

It is then that the man gets shot in the face, and killed.

Some thoughts.

First of all, this was all totally avoidable.  In a crowd, there is no need to get involved in such an altercation, regardless of your feelings for or against the current president and any past or future politician.

Your first goal whenever there is a threat of violence is to escape so you can live another day, provide for your loved ones, be a friend, and a continue to be a productive member of society.

Violence doesn’t solve anything.

Secondly, if it is unavoidable that you are going to be in a confrontation, and the other person is armed with a deadly weapon, you’ve got to consider your choices.

Spraying pepper spray when a weapon is aimed at your head is a recipe for disaster.  This weekend, we witnessed the consequences of that decision.

In this instance, it was clear that there was not going to be harm to a loved one, and this was no armed robbery taking place.

This was an argument between two strangers that escalated too far.  Nothing more.  Disaster could easily have been avoided if one of them had simply walked away.

Self protection has nothing to do with being a bad ass.  It has everything to do with being smart and aware, so that you can live another day.

Don’t take pepper spray to a gun fight.